Dear,and yet dearer for its mystery”
-Percy Bysshe Shelly
Human heart embraces a lot of obscure matters for its prestige of being mysterious. Eg :universe, moon, stars, God,paranormal beings, ruined palaces etc.. Hence,death,an unsolved mystery of all centuries, is dearer rather than deadly.
The phenomenon of life can be put into words and explained with the help of science(a thousand thanks to human physiology). But,the process of death still remains as an ambiguious pen filled with the ink of uncertainity.

Every single person that I came across in my life, spun an interesting story on their own about death,which left me in a tunnel of mazes with no exit. The voidness of not knowing things did not deviate me from my area of interest, in anyway.It fueled my curiosity.If familiarity breeds contempt,then,unfamiliarity breeds unreasonable love.
It was only then,I brushed up my shoes to take a walk in the road of life to an unknown destination,expecting answers to my questions,that were buried deep inside my bones.
Here are my findings!

Comprehend carefully.

1.First of all, try to perceive death in the light of regularity . We face death daily. Our ideas die. Our far flung hopes and dreams die one day.
Our beliefs, our ideology, our trust on someone, our relationship, our love etc.leave us someday and die out.
Death meets you daily.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, in one way or the other.And the interesting fact is that, death of one ,gives birth to an another inside you . For eg:I died as a religionist and experienced rebirth as a humanist.
You have to die a few times before you can really live “
– Charles Bukowski

2.Not only this, the death of a person will change you drastically, in a way, no other power is capable of.
My paternal grandfather was a drunkard and a male chauvinist.He found pleasure in alleging my grandmother both physically and mentally.There was not a single day, where, my grandmother slept peacefully without insecurity and panics. One day, she gathered her broken parts, at the peak of her exhaustion, to find a cure.


Unexpectedly,her death transformed my grandfather into a better being.He regretted for his ruthless behaviors and he narrated the story of how adjusting his wife was with him, to everyone, he met.

I feel this change in him can never be brought by any other power in this world,other than my grandmother’s death.

My maternal grandfather has also transformed completely after spending a few hours in deathbed .Luckily, he survived. I can assure you it was his experience with death, that made him into a better being.
Yeah, death is therapeutic at times.

Analyse yourself! Death of your loved ones would have given birth to something in you. Death brings about a birth, a rebirth in you.You might be missing them so much.Life may be tough without them, by your side ,but you are too blind to notice that your loved one lives in your rebirth.
Life and death is the most compatible pair, next to Romeo and Juliet. One cannot exist without the other. Existence of one becomes a burden in the absence of other.
You’re getting it, right?
Be proud for your death is going to be someone’s birth and someone’s death is going to be your birth.
4. Death serves dual purpose like poetry. Not only the one who dies, gets to know about the ultimate truth of life and his shortcomings, at his deathbed, but also the ones who witness him.
I know my uncle, who stopped taking drugs and alcohol, after witnessing the death of his colleague from whom my uncle got the habit.
5.Life becomes meaningless without death like how truth becomes powerless without lies.
Sometimes, Life can kill you in the most painful way and not death.
It’s strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over “
– Jim Morrison

Here’s an imaginary convo
LIFE:Give him life, but tell him to fear death.
Give him love, but then, take it back.
Give him education, but not job.
Give him freedom, but make sure that no one allows him to use it.
Give him happiness that tallies with his upcoming sufferings.
Give him everything, but make his heart always long for something.
DEATH:The man has been through a lot of things. Let him sleep. Give him rest.

When death meets you, by fate and its will, you become a better person. But my dear people,I don’t support suicides. That is the most shameful act of all shameful acts.
Death, like poetry, should come as naturally as leaves to a tree. If it is not that case, it is better that it didn’t come at all (Quote FROM JOHN KEATS) Forced poetry spoil the true essence of poetry and so is the forced death. (spoils the essence of your life)

P. S : Life is overrated and death is underrated.
It’s high time you give the same ratings to both. Both are great



  1. It is exceptional pavie! As somebody once said, the worst form of death is what dies in us when we are alive, the well written piece of yours proves the point. Always in deep admiration of your perspective! 💙


  2. Pavie!!!! I got goosebumps as I read this!! Amazing!! Just amazing!!! As Jane said, you have an interesting and unique perspective and I love it!!😍😍😍


  3. Superb pavie……very happy to have such a genius friend like u….The blog was really in a different perspective….really….ur blog changed my mindset towards death…Thank u so much


  4. I’m immensely impressed by your perspective on death. In the words of Arthur Frank, “When I can care for the sunlight on the river
    enough to imagine that it will be there without me, when I have faith in its being there, then my self rests in a world beyond itself and I am no longer afraid to die.”


  5. Omg pavie!!! It was amazing reading it. You brought a whole new perspective on death and it was something that i feel like everyone can accept… Also your writing is exceptional and i love it!!! Keep doing it and one day you will be a great writer!!!


  6. You have noted down life,,
    All about life with better words of understanding,,
    That everyone wishes to know about.⚓❤


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